BLOG, For abundance and wealth

15-minute guided meditation for financial abundance by Abraham Hicks

This 15-minute guided meditation for financial abundance by Abraham Hicks will help you shift your feeling about money from worry or concern to eagerness and fun. If you listen to it regularly, you may be pleasantly surprised by some new financial manifestations in your life. This video contains some very beautiful and relaxing photos, so you can watch it if you wish, but personally, I always prefer closing my eyes while listening to any guided meditation. I look forward to reading your thoughts about this meditation.


For relaxation

A 20-minute guided meditation for relaxation by The Honest Guys

I’ve been listening to this guided meditation for relaxation very often lately. The last few months have been very busy for me, I didn’t have much sleep at night and I was often exhausted during the day. Sometimes I just wished to give up all my daily activities and to take a good nap. But, when I take a nap, I usually fall asleep so deeply and waking up can be very difficult, is usually followed by a headache and the total lack of energy. So I found the alternative for the nap – Blissful Deep Relaxation by Honest Guys. I usually do it around 4 pm, after 7 or 8 hours of work and just before going to pick up my son from school. This is the moment when I really need to charge my batteries! And this meditation is miraculously efficient. After listening to it I always feel refreshed as if I slept for 2 or three hours. Even when I have a headache, it just vanishes after 20 minutes. So, when you need a quick break in the middle of a busy day, I recommend you take your headphones, lie down and drift off to a deep blissful relaxation. Enjoy!

For sleep

A 30-minute guided meditation for sleep by The Honest Guys

This 30-minute guided meditation for sleep by The Honest Guys will gently help you relax and fall into a deep, long sleep. For all of you who suffer from insomnia, this should be the perfect solution. Personally, I always fall asleep in about five to ten minutes, when I listen to this meditation, in fact I’ve never heard the end of it :-). The quality of the recording is perfect, the ocean wave sounds are very pleasent and the voice of the speaker is sooo getle and relaxing. So, enjoy this beautiful recording and tell me about your impressions when you wake up. Good night!


What is a guided meditation?

What is a guided meditation?

Just like its name says, it is a meditation meditation3with the help of a guide. It could be a meditation teacher in a class or a recorded voice. The role of a guide is to help you enter into a state of deep relaxation, quickly and effortlessly. A guided meditation is indeed the easiest way to enter into that state.

All you have to do is sit or lay down in a comfortable position, listen and follow along. A good guide, whether it is a teacher in the class or a registered voice will guide you, as if he took your hand, to a place where you can meet your subconscious self and get some really amazing insights.

How does it work?

The guided meditations usually consist of three parts:

  • The purpose of the first part is to relax your body and mind. You will hear a pleasant and relaxing music in the background and a soft and calm voice will give you guidance in order to relax all your muscles and let go of all concerns, worries and issues of mind.
  • Once your body and mind are deeply relaxed, you will become highly suggestible, and in the second part, you will hear messages which will attein your subconscious mind (more or less efficiently, depending on your state of relaxation).
  • In the third part, you will again become conscious and aware of your surroundings, and you will feel refreshed, in peace and in harmony with the present moment.


There are many types of guided meditations: for sleep, for healing, for relaxation, for chakra balancing, for motivation, for meeting your spirit guide, for past life regression…

Some guided meditations use beta and theta waves in order to make your brain more flexible and your subconscious mind even more suggestible. More about this in another post…

In order to meditate efficiently, it is very important to prepare yourself for meditation:


  • Find a calm and comfortable place.The majority of people always imagine a meditatingperson in the lotus position.  The lotus position is not mandatory at all. A comfortable chair will do just fine. For some meditations, it is even recommended to lie dawn on a bed or floor.
  • Make sure that no one disturbs you during the meditation time. I always meditate when I’m alone at home but you can simply tell the people you live with that you need to spend some time alone without anyone disturbing you.
  • Turn off your phone!

What are the benefits of guided meditation versus meditation without a guide?

The meditation is a solitary activity. Its purpose is to find peace inside yourself by remaining present. It can be more difficult than it seems to sit down and remain quiet and present for 10 or 15 minutes every day, and meditating only from time to time, although it can make you feel better at the moment, won’t have a considerable impact on your life. And this is why the guided meditations are really beneficial, especially for beginners.

With the help of a guide, you can enter into a meditative Man Watching Sunrise On Baconeystate faster and more easily. Another advantage is that you can choose a short or a long guided meditation depending on the free time you have ahead. A 5 minute guided meditation in the middle of a busy and stressful day could be more beneficial than a half an hour of sleep.

There are some critics saying that a guide isn’t really useful and that guided meditations can even be limiting giving the fact that meditation is a solitary activity. Some of them go as far as to say that a guided meditation is not a real meditation and that you cannot attain the meditative state with a guide because their voice and words can be disturbing.

Obviously, my point of view is completely different. There is no real spiritual journey without a guide, whether is it a spiritual person in your surrounding who you respect and/or admire, an author, a religious authority or just a voice in a recorded guided meditation.  The role of a guide is not to give you limiting directions telling you which way to go but to ask good questions helping you this way to achieve better knowing of yourself. The most important thing though is to choose a good guide.

There is an abundance of guided meditations online. Not all of them are good, and even if a meditation is a good quality one, it doesn’t mean that it will suit your needs. If you don’t like the voice or the music or if what a guide is saying is meaningless or simply not inspiring to you, there is no chance that you will enter into the meditative state.

So, before starting meditating, choose your guide carefully. There are several guided meditations that inspired me the first time I heard them and  listening to those meditations on a regular basis helped me made a shift in my consciousness very quickly. So, when you find a good one, save it for regular use, and share it with others. They may thank you for that.

I hope that I managed to answer to some of your questions in this post, if you have any thoughts that you would like to share or any further questions, please leave me a comment below. I will be more than happy to discuss with you.


Why guided meditations?

When I started meditating a few years ago, I found that it was really difficult. Meditation requires a little bit of discipline. Just finding the right place and time seemed almost impossible in my overloaded daily schedule.


I used to buy the best existing meditation courses recommended by people who have been practicing meditation for years, determined to make of meditation my daily routine. Every time, it was the same thing. On the day 1, I was so excited to begin the process, this excitement could last for a few days but then there was a day when I felt really tired, or a day when I had too much work, or a day when I invited friends for dinner. And on such days, there was no place for meditation in my life, and as those days happened too often I started to lose interest in meditation saying to myself that I am not disciplined enough and that I will never be able to do it.

But then I discovered guided meditations.  And they changed my life. All of a sudden, meditation was not difficult, it was easy and fun and I was looking forward to my 5, 15, or 30 minutes of calm every single day. First of all, because there is a huge variety of guided meditations, for sleep, for concentration, for relaxation, for meeting your spirit guide, for wealth, for health…. So it was not like repeating the same process every day but more like discovering something new every time!  I could choose the meditation depending on my needs at the moment and on my availability.  And the results were immediate! I was relaxed, less tired, more present, more alert and I started to see clearer. I started to see my thoughts for what they are, to canalize and control my emotions and to simply appreciate life for its true value which is incommensurable.

I decided to build this website in order to help people like me create positive changes in their lives without effort, but with ease, pleasure and fun. The effort is good of course, but when we put too much effort into something, we go against the flow, and that is unnatural. In nature everything goes with the flow, so should our lives if we want happiness, success, peace of mind, wealth and most importantly, the harmonious relationships with other people.