Why guided meditations?

When I started meditating a few years ago, I found that it was really difficult. Meditation requires a little bit of discipline. Just finding the right place and time seemed almost impossible in my overloaded daily schedule.


I used to buy the best existing meditation courses recommended by people who have been practicing meditation for years, determined to make of meditation my daily routine. Every time, it was the same thing. On the day 1, I was so excited to begin the process, this excitement could last for a few days but then there was a day when I felt really tired, or a day when I had too much work, or a day when I invited friends for dinner. And on such days, there was no place for meditation in my life, and as those days happened too often I started to lose interest in meditation saying to myself that I am not disciplined enough and that I will never be able to do it.

But then I discovered guided meditations.  And they changed my life. All of a sudden, meditation was not difficult, it was easy and fun and I was looking forward to my 5, 15, or 30 minutes of calm every single day. First of all, because there is a huge variety of guided meditations, for sleep, for concentration, for relaxation, for meeting your spirit guide, for wealth, for health…. So it was not like repeating the same process every day but more like discovering something new every time!  I could choose the meditation depending on my needs at the moment and on my availability.  And the results were immediate! I was relaxed, less tired, more present, more alert and I started to see clearer. I started to see my thoughts for what they are, to canalize and control my emotions and to simply appreciate life for its true value which is incommensurable.

I decided to build this website in order to help people like me create positive changes in their lives without effort, but with ease, pleasure and fun. The effort is good of course, but when we put too much effort into something, we go against the flow, and that is unnatural. In nature everything goes with the flow, so should our lives if we want happiness, success, peace of mind, wealth and most importantly, the harmonious relationships with other people.

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